

Teaching Award 2021 Ceremony

Students' impressions


at Universidad Privada Boliviana, Computer Systems Engineering Program

Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence

Contents III-2021, 64 contact hours, Module Responsible. Students' Projects: Reinforcement Learning applied in Monopoly, Autonomous Driving on Nvidia Dave-2, License Plate Recognition Neural Network Model, Comparison "Age and Gender Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks", AI playing Snake Game with Deep Q-Learning

Contents II-2021, 64 contact hours, Module Responsible. Students' Projects: Face and Gender Recognition, Stock Market Forecasting, Self-Driving Cars, Reinforcement Learning for Monopoly, License Plate Recognition, Music Generation with Magenta, Music Generation with LSTMs. Analysis of the film Alpha Go

Contents II-2020, 64 contact hours, Module Responsible. Students' Projects: Fashion-MNIST classification based on Greeshma, K. V., & Sreekumar, K. (2019)., License Plate Recognition based on Zherzdev, S., & Gruzdev, A. (2018). LPRNet, Hit Song Prediction based on Zangerle, E., Vötter, M., Huber, R., & Yang, Y. H. (2019)., Representation Learning based on Park, Lee, Park, Ha and Nam (2018), Reinforcement learning and for Monopoly based on Bailis, P., Fachantidis, A., & Vlahavas, I. (2014)..

Artificial Intelligence

Contents I-2021, 64 contact hours, Module Responsible. Students' Projects: Music Generation based on genetic algorithms, Music Generation based on Magenta, FMNIST classification based on Greeshma, K. V., & Sreekumar, K. (2019), Handwritten digit recognition based on Le Cun et al (1989), Finantial Time Series Forecasting based on Balaji, Ram, Nair (2018)

Neural Networks (Deep Learning)

• II-2021, 32 contact hours, Module Responsible. Students' Projects: Neural Collaborative Filtering based on He at al (2017), Neural Style Transfer based on Gatys et al (2015), Deep Q-learning based on Mnih et al (2015)


Bishop, (2006). Pattern recognition and Machine Learning Springer.

Alpaydin, E. (2014). Introduction to machine learning The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England.

Goodfellow, I. J., Bengio, Y., and Courville, A. (2016). Deep Learning. London, England: MIT Press.

Velarde, G. (2021) Era Artificial: Predicciones para ultrahumanos, robots y otros entes inteligentes. PRICA Düsseldorf

Snowden, R., Snowden, R. J., Thompson, P., & Troscianko, T. (2012). Basic vision: An introduction to visual perception. Oxford University Press.


at Aalborg University

Supervision of student projects in the Medialogy Bachelor program in the following courses:

Sonic interactions: Design and Evaluation

Spring-2013. Semester 4th. (15 ECTS) (Main Responsible) Sonic design and computing, multimedia interaction, implementation.

Interactive Systems Design

Spring-2015. Semester 6th. (20 ECTS) (Main Responsible) Interactive and multimodal interfaces, haptic interfaces, visualization, input and output devices, analysis of data.

Designing from Both Sides of the Screen

Fall-2015.Semester 1st. (10 ECTS) (Main Responsible) Object oriented programming to design and implement and interactive solution.

Music Perception and Cognition

TA in the Master of Science program of Sound and Music Computing

Fall-2014: (5 ECTS) (Main responsible: Cumhur Erkut) Introduction, Perception: time and pitch, cognition, modeling, performance and embodied music cognition, meaning, emotions, culture.

Music Perception and Cognition

TA in the Master of Science program of Sound and Music Computing

Fall-2015. (5 ECTS) (Main responsible: Sophia Dahl) Introduction, Scope, basic definitions, and big questions, streams and melody, tempo, meter, pulse, models, music performance, music and emotion, practical issues, musical illusions.


Thompson, W. F. (2015). Music Thought And Feeling (Second). Oxford University Press

London, J. (2012). Hearing in time: Psychological aspects of musical meter. Oxford University Press.

Eerola, T. and Toiviainen, P., (2004) MIDI Toolbox