
Gissel Velarde

Gissel Velarde, Ph.D.

Professor of Artificial Intelligence

International University of Applied Sciences

Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, Aalborg University

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Book Artificial Era

Artificial Era: Predictions, Problems, and Diversity in AI (Oxford University Press)

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AI Speaker

Gissel Velarde

If you would like to engage Prof. Dr. Gissel Velarde for a talk, keynote, or conference, please do not hesitate to contact via e-mail.

Gissel Velarde is a seasoned machine learning engineer, computer scientist, and AI lecturer. She talks about:

Talks (English)

Video: How to Improve Diversity in the Artificial Era?, Women in Tech Sweden, April 17, 2024.

Video: AI for Publishers, Taiwan International Book Fair, February 22, 2024.

Video: Artificial Era and Angeles, Nuna Theater, La Paz, July 19, 2023. (Spanish with English subtitles)

Video: Fraud Detection Systems: Evaluating XGBoost for Balanced and Highly Imbalanced Data, NVIDIA GTC, March 23, 2023, Paper

Video: An Open-Source and Reproducible Implementation of LSTM and GRU Networks for Time Series Forecasting, ITISE 2022, Slides

Video: Predictions in the Artificial Era (English), 2021WomenTech, 2021

Link Women, AI, and the power of two together! Wai- Datathon and WaiTalk. Combat Domestic Violence with Data and AI. March 13, 2021.

Video Music for Good Workshop. Woman in Music Information Retrieval. Satellite event of the 20th International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 2019. Delf, The Netherlands, November 3, 2019.

Talks (Spanish)

Video Era Artificial y Angeles Orquestal, Teatro Nuna, La Paz, July 19, 2023.

Video ESPECIALES NERD - Episodio III - Inteligencia Artificial. Predicciones en la Era Artificial. Nerdearla, November 28, 2021.

Link Mujeres en el ecosistema de las tecnologías Inteligentes. Encuentro Mundial en Big Data - EMBDATA, October 21, 2021.

Link Era artificial: Predicciones para ultrahumanos, robots y otros entes inteligentes.Talent Land Digital, July 7, 2021.

Video Ciencia de datos - Machine Learning: Una introducción Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, June 18, 2021.

Video Artificial Era: Predictions for Ultrahumans, Robots and other Intelligent Entities. Women Tech Global Conference, June 8, 2021. https://www.womentech.net/speaker/Gissel/Velarde/56821

Video Inteligencia Artificial, innovación, startups, y cómo introducirla en empresas. Organized by Universidad del Valle, Ingeniería en Sistemas Informáticos - Club de Ciencia de Datos, May 8, 2021.

Video Era Artificial: Predicciones para ultrahumanos, robots y otros entes inteligentes. Women in Data Science LaPaz, May 1, 2021.Min.1:29:35

Video Revisión del libro Era Artificial. Book Movement. La Paz, Bolivia, April 3, 2021.

Video Inteligencia Artificial e innovación para impulsar a Bolivia en el siglo XXI. Presentación virtual organizada por la Universidad Privada Boliviana, 2020. La Paz, Bolivia, September 9, 2020.

Video Estrategia 4.0 de Inteligencia Artificial en Bolivia. Presentación virtual organizada por la Universidad Católica Boliviana, 2020. La Paz, Bolivia, May 25, 2020.

Video Impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial en Bolivia, Latinoamerica y el Mundo. Ciclo de conferencias Industria 4.0, Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, October 1, 2019.


Contact via e-mail, or through the following networks:

Linkedin profile.

Amazon page.

Google scholar page.

Research Gate.

Facebook page.

Twitter page.

Youtube chanel.


Gissel Velarde

Professor of Artificial Intelligence, International University of Applied Sciences

Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering, Aalborg University, Curriculum Vitae

She earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Aalborg University in Denmark in 2017, an institution recognized as the best university in Europe and fourth in the world in engineering according to the US News World Ranking and the MIT 2018 ranking. She holds a master's degree in Electronic Systems and Engineering management from the University of Applied Sciences of South Westphalia, Soest in Germany, thanks to a DAAD scholarship, and holds a Licenciatura's degree in Systems Engineering from Universidad Católica Boliviana, recognized as the third best university in Bolivia according to the Webometrics Ranking 2020. She has over 20 years of experience in engineering and computer science. She worked in industry and academia, and received several awards and recognition as an engineer, a computer scientist, and a pianist. She was a research member in the European Commission's project "Learning to Create", and a PhD Fellow at Aalborg University. She worked as an Engineer for Hansa Ltda, Miebach Gmbh, SONY Computer Science Laboratories, Moodagent S/A, and Vodafone GmbH. Velarde developed machine learning and deep learning algorithms for classification, structural analysis, pattern discovery, and recommendation systems. In 2020, Velarde was named: Notable Woman in the field of research by the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR). She was also selected internationally as one of 120 technologists by the Top Women Tech 2019 & 2020 summit in Brussels. In 2021, Velarde received a teaching award from Universidad Privada Boliviana for her lecture on Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence. In 2022 and 2023, she received 3 Prizes awarded by Vodafone, for her contribution to AI strategies and the development of Risk Assessment and Fraud Detection Systems. In her latest book, she analyze the impact of intelligent technologies during what she calls the "Artificial Era".




List of publications and courses can be found here: Curriculum Vitae.


Materials and more..

Teaching Award (2021)

At Universidad Privada Boliviana (Since 2020): Artificial Intelligence, Selected Topics in Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Networks (Deep Learning)

At Aalborg University (2013-2016): Music Perception and Cognition, Sonic interactions: Design and Evaluation, Interactive Systems Design, Designing from Both Sides of the Screen

At Conservatorio Nacional de Música (2005, 2006): Piano, Improvisation


Art and Technology

Artificial Era and Computational Creativity

Urubo Institute of Technology

Take a virtual tour at the institute at www.urubo.org

Learning to Create (Lrn2Cre8)

Research Member of the EC-funded collaborative project, “LearningtoCreate”(Lrn2Cre8). Funded by the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, under FET grant number 610859. cordis.europa.eu/project/rcn/109697_en.html


Visit the Blog, you will find short articles about AI. See the Blog!

Music by G. Velarde


Press and media in science

Pablo Mendieta Ossio, Publico, 03/08/2023: Inteligencia artificial e irracionalidad humana

Johannes Castner, 21/06/2023: 'The Artificial Era': Bridging AI, Music, Sustainability, and Societal Impact for the Future

La Razón, 14/07/2023: Piedra, papel y tinta 14-07-23

eju!, 25/01/2021: Gissel Velarde: “Es posible que en el transcurso de este siglo la inteligencia artificial llegase a superar ampliamente a los humanos"

LadoB, 17/01/2021: Era artificial: quienes dominen la tecnología tendrán la ventaja

Jyllands-Posten, 21/12/2014: Forskning i musiktemaer

La Razón, 2004: Nota del día: Cura para el Alzheimer

Press and media in arts

La Prensa, 14/1/2012: Velarde habla con ángeles

Matthew Warnock, 7/9/2011: Review by Matthew Warnock

La Prensa, 5/8/2005: Big Band Juvenil antes de su gira por Chile

Gente, 17/10/2002: Una jovén de gran talento

El Diario, 14/6/1998: MARTIN JOSEPH: Concierto de despedida

Puerta abierta, 14/6/1998: Martin Joseph junto a los Músicos invitados

Presencia, 19/4/1994: La Paz mostró su predominio en el IV Concurso de Piano

Presencia, 25/11/1990: Carmen Castro presentará Breve temporada de Ballet